One essential factor to having a good workflow in Logic Pro X is naming your tracks, regions, clips, patches and channel strip settings. It might not seem like such a big deal, but when you´re looking for a specific track comp while editing, and all you can find is dozens of “copy of <project name>036.bip.bip.aif” and similar, you will see my point. Beep beep.

Thankfully, there are key commands for making this a bit easier to maintain. Here´s the lowdown, with default key commands (you can customize this to your hearts content in Logic Pro X – Key Commands – Edit):
⇧ + ENTER: (Re)name Track
⇧ + n: (Re)name Region (select region first)
⇧ + t: (Re)name Take or Comp
⌥ ⇧ + n: Name regions by track name (I use this quite a lot)
⌥ ⇧ ⌘ + n : Name track by region name
⇧ + ´: (Re)name Marker
You can also assign a custom key command for “Rename Project”, although I recommend to use the “Save as…” option.